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DollTV and Artful Dodger Games

BS Button (True Blue, The Grand Daddy of Bullshit Buttons with 70 Hilarious Bull Sh*t Phrases)

BS Button (True Blue, The Grand Daddy of Bullshit Buttons with 70 Hilarious Bull Sh*t Phrases)

Regular price $13.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.99 USD
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In a world jam-packed with bullshit, the True Blue BS Button by DollTV stands tall as the perfect weapon to combat the most obscure, the most perverse, and the most obvious BS known to man. Its batteries last a long time, but with the endless opportunities to call out BS, you might want to pick up a brick from Costco to ensure you never run out of power.

Family Reunions: Gather 'round, dear cousins, aunts, and uncles, as we spin tales of our daring adventures and unbelievable accomplishments. But fear not! The True Blue BS Button will be there to call out any fibs with its 70 hilarious phrases, ensuring that our family gatherings are filled with laughter and honesty
Political Debates: As our esteemed politicians engage in spirited debates, the True Blue BS Button will be there to separate the wheat from the chaff, the facts from the fiction, with its celebrity impressions that flash red and call BS like a boss!

Office Meetings: When your boss starts waxing poetic about the company's "synergistic paradigm shifts" and "blue-sky thinking," the True Blue BS Button will be there to bring everyone back down to earth with a healthy dose of hilarity and truth-seeking.

Game Nights: Gather your friends for an unforgettable game night, as you play BS Button Game, where the True Blue BS Button takes center stage, calling out BS with its 70 hilarious phrases and celebrity impressions that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.

Online Dating: Navigating the treacherous waters of online dating can be a challenge, but the True Blue BS Button has your back. When a potential match claims to be a Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist, a world-renowned chef, or a secret agent, the True Blue BS Button will be there to call BS with its 70 hilarious phrases and celebrity impressions.

The True Blue BS Button by DollTV is not just a tool for detecting BS; it's a cultural phenomenon that has brought people together in laughter and honesty. With at least 70 hilarious phrases and celebrity impressions that flash red and call BS in the most hilarious ways, it's no wonder that this device is the ultimate BS-busting experience. From Al Pacino to Jack Nicholson, from Robin Williams to Ricky Gervais, the True Blue BS Button by DollTV has it all. It's at least 50 more hilarious phrases than any other sound button, making it the ultimate BS-busting experience.
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